100% Sourdough Pretzels #3

I mixed up the dough last night and let it rise as room temp for 4 hours then put it in the fridge overnight. This morning I took it out and divided into 8 portions. Let them come back to room temp, then shape. Let rest for about an hour, then fridge for a couple hours. Lye solution (2 cups water/11g lye) 15 seconds. Bake 425° 18 minutes. I baked these longer than usual because they didn’t seem dark enough. Probably too long though. Also, when shaping these I need to make sure there aren’t big air bubbles in the dough. I don’t like the way they bake up with big holes in the fat part.

I’m not sure how to make these better. Maybe make sure my starter is really healthy. Maybe the dough doesn’t need any fridge proofing (pre-shape).

8 pretzels

Total Formula Starter Final Dough
Ingredient % grams % grams grams
all purpose flour 100.00 500.00 100.00 75.00 425.00
water 55.00 275.00 100.00 75.00 200.00
100% hydration starter 150.00
brown sugar 1.67 8.35 8.35
unsalted butter 3.78 18.90 18.90
fine sea salt 2.80 14.00 14.00
TOTAL 163.25 816.25

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