50% Whole Wheat Sourdough

I decided to make a regular size loaf today so I can give half of it to my parents. This time I upped the whole wheat to make it 50%. I let it rise in the utility room since it’s warm in there. Rose nice and high. No fridge fermentation this time. Preheated oven and combo cooker to 450°. Trying not to burn the bottom of the loaf. The dough was almost too much for the proofing basket.

Total Formula Starter Final Dough
Ingredient % grams % grams grams
all purpose flour 9.09 50.00 100.00 50.00
bread flour 40.91 225.00 225.00
whole wheat flour 50.00 275.00 275.00
water 77.27 425.00 100.00 50.00 375.00
100% hydration starter 100.00
fine sea salt 1.82 10.01 10.01
TOTAL 170.00 935.00

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