
Today’s National Pretzel Day! If I had known that earlier I would have fed my starter and made sourdough pretzels, but I didn’t and fortunately my jar of yeast in the freezer still works.

I made these mostly by memory, using a list of ingredients from my spreadsheet. The yeast amount is slightly less than the original recipe and I think it was just right.

For the lye solution I used 2 cups of water and 2 tsp (11g) of lye.

4 pretzels

Ingredient % grams
all purpose flour 100.00 250.00
water 55.00 137.50
yeast 2.00 5.00
brown sugar 1.67 4.18
butter 3.78 9.45
fine sea salt 2.80 7.00
TOTAL 165.25 413.13

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