Seeded White Whole Wheat Sourdough #2

I used pretty much the same recipe as the last loaf, except left out the hemp seeds and doubled the sesame and sunflower seeds. I folded the seeds into the dough after the stretch and folds. I don’t think the way I did it was good though. I flattened out the dough then sprinkled the seeds on. Then I rolled up the dough, sealed the edges, then turned it and rolled again. Then I shaped into a ball. I put it in the fridge overnight, then took it out to proof more at room temp yesterday. Put it back in the fridge overnight to chill it and this morning I put it straight from the fridge into the hot oven. I could tell when I scored it that there were dense pockets of seeds.

This didn’t rise much in the oven but it tastes good. The crumb is a lot better than last time. Also, I bought a lame and it works really well!

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