Small Sourdough Loaf

I made a baguette the other day and it turned out about the same as last time. The only problem is that Owen won’t eat the crust and baguettes are mostly crust. So, this time I went back to the boule shape, but about half size. The ingredients are based off this “40%” whole wheat loaf.

When I clicked the link to look at the Tartine recipe, I found that it was no longer available without a NYTimes account so I didn’t know what temp and how long to bake it. I consulted Preheat oven to 500° with combo cooker inside. Reduce temp to 475° when putting the bread in. Bake 20 minutes with lid on, then take lid off and reduce temp to 450° and bake until done. I did 10 minutes and it was done (according to internal temp).

I don’t know why I didn’t just go by the temp on the 40% whole wheat post. Was looking at too many things I guess. Next time!

I really shouldn’t be baking bread at all because we’re trying to slim down, but I really miss it. Sourdough is supposed to be good for you, right?

Total Formula Starter Final Dough
Ingredient % grams % grams grams
all purpose flour 9.09 25.00 100.00 25.00
bread flour 54.55 150.00 150.00
whole wheat flour 36.36 100.00 100.00
water 77.27 212.49 100.00 25.00 187.49
100% hydration starter 50.00
fine sea salt 1.82 5.01 5.01
TOTAL 170.00 467.50

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