Sourdough Pretzels #2


working on my shaping



These turned out great. Still couldn’t taste any sourdough. I was worried I cut out too much yeast, but I think they rose just enough.

I made sure to keep them in the lye dip for 15 seconds and let them drain on a rack before putting on the baking sheet. I was going to grease the parchment but forgot. They didn’t stick too much though.

Next time I might try to let the dough rise a little before shaping to see what kind of difference it makes.

The amounts below are for 4 pretzels.

Total Formula Starter Final Dough
Ingredient % grams % grams grams
bread flour 100.00 250.00 100.00 37.50 212.50
water 55.00 137.50 100.00 37.50 100.00
active dry yeast 0.50 1.25 1.25
100% hydration starter 75.00
brown sugar 1.67 4.18 4.18
unsalted butter 3.78 9.45 9.45
kosher salt 2.80 7.00 7.00
TOTAL 163.75 409.38

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